Client Testimonials

"I have been playing golf for over 30 years. Now living in Florida I have the availability to play competitive golf with the PGA and its branches. I was having difficulty with the pressure of teeing off and 3 foot putts. I went to see Randy and she addressed the problem and then hypnotized me. 5 days later I went to a regional tournament in Orlando and won. She is on her game and can help you!"

Peace River Counseling

"I had an issue with gagging when I went to the dentist. I went to Randy and within 10 minutes she identified my problem. She then hypnotized me. This was a wonderful, relaxing experience. The next time I visited the dentist's office I had no problem with gagging. I would highly recommend her to anyone. Well worth the time and money."

Peace River Counseling

"Traumatic childhood memories and being victim of domestic violence, I struggled for years with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and suffered mentally, physically and emotionally.  Randy Cisne told me she could help me get rid of all my "ghosts" and baggage from those pasts events. I was very skeptical at first, but just after one session, the panic attacks stopped and I was finally able to sleep through the night peacefully. With her continued help, I have been able to overcome the trauma from my past and I'm a better mother, wife, sister and friend because of her wonderful techniques and expertise. Thank You so much for changing my life!"

Peace River Counseling

"I came to Randy as a last gasp (almost literally) attempt to quit smoking. I had tried pills, shots, patches, laser treatments, acupuncture and god knows what else with no success. I decided to try hypnosis with no great expectation of success. To my surprise,  I was able to quit over a year ago and except for a brief setback have stayed smoke free. Thank you for giving me my life back!"

Peace River Counseling

"When I came to Randy I was barely functioning in my life. I was suffering from panic attacks, flash backs from my past, trouble sleeping, severe depression and an overall lack of self confidence in my decision making abilities and in all aspects of my life.  As a child I was sexually abused by a family member for 7 years. This certainly had long term repercussions. As an adult I had other traumatic events that still overcame me through flashbacks and reliving the events of my dreams. To say the least I was an emotional and mental mess.  Sure I was succeeding as far as appearances were concerned but I felt like I was going crazy. When Randy and I began Rapid Resolution Therapy I was amazed. We have been able to successfully clear me of several specific events that have troubled me for years. The clearing of these events coupled with her other therapy methods has changed my life. The events that we have cleared have not come back to haunt me. I trust my decision making ability more than I have in years. I am becoming more confident in all that I do. I have recommended others to Randy and will certainly continue to do so."

Peace River Counseling

"My experience with Randy has been life changing. I came to her after years of working on what I saw as the source of my problems, my husband. Through our sessions she was able to pinpoint and help me realize that abuse and abandonment in my childhood were the real problems, something I thought I had gotten over on my own. Randy has the ability to be straight forward and honest without being hurtful and embarrassing. Together we made positive progress in my life quickly. Randy also counseled my husband separately and us together as a couple. The results have been positive and profound. Our marriage is stronger than it ever has been and our daughters have benefited immensely from having stable parents and a stress free environment."

Peace River Counseling

"I wouldn't be where I am today without your help. Thanks to you, I have my life back! Rather than letting any negative or paranoid thoughts grow, through your words of wisdom, I am now able to dismiss the negative and deflate the paranoid thoughts rather than focus on them. I no longer concentrate on the guilt I've needlessly felt in the past. I am now able to accept that the only person that I can control (change) is myself and that I must first take care of myself before I can take care of anyone else. With your help, I am now able to get in touch with my feelings and I've learned to express them. You have helped me to find my true self! You've shown me the way to stand up for myself rather than always trying to defend myself. I had the tools to handle life's problems; I just didn't know how to use them. But thanks to you I now know how to work through any problem in a much healthier way. You have helped me to see past the negative influences that surround me and instead shown me how to rise above them. You've taught me that I don't have to explain myself to anyone. If asked a question that I do not want to answer then it's okay for me to not answer it. You have helped me with so many different aspects of my life. And I will always be eternally grateful to you."

Peace River Counseling

"I have travelled a long and torturous journey for the majority of my life before I discovered the light. I had been prescribed a variety of medications to treat depression for many years. I reached the end of my road when I lost my family due to my behaviors.  I continued to spiral downward at a very fast pace and ended up in a mental illness facility for 6 months. I was diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder. I began cutting myself, catastrophizing and looking at life in a distorted way. I am now a different person. Randy changed not only my life, but my way of thinking. She taught me how to focus & stay in the present. She provided me with the tools to understand what was driving my emotions. She kept me in check!  Randy is a true professional. Her experience and her ability to connect with others drives her ability to achieve positive results. It is nice to wake up in the morning feeling stable, empowered and purposeful, instead of gripped and tortured by the monster called “me”. I’m glad I found the light. Thank you Randy!"

Peace River Counseling

"In the course of my existence I have encountered obstacles that altered my view of life in general. Emotional trauma and physical trauma have plagued me from a young age. The tragic death of my oldest brother and my father, a very wrong marriage that ended in divorce and being subjected to no less than 23 major surgeries left me angry, obstinate and jaded. Randy has helped me accept these challenges and taught me how to cope with life and see beyond myself. For this I am eternally grateful. I feel that with her help I am learning how to be a more loving and caring husband, father and man."

Peace River Counseling

"I never used to think that therapy was something “real”, or maybe I just thought it was for someone else but not me. At any rate, I have learned the value of therapy. It is much easier to not judge yourself when you can talk to someone who doesn’t judge you. I can accept myself just as I am because Randy accepted me that way too.  “Warts and all…”

Peace River Counseling

"I have been diagnosed with PTSD and ever since working with Randy I have learned how to stay in the present, and I am developing other coping skills so that I can manage my symptoms."

Peace River Counseling

"Randy is the most wonderful person I have ever met. It took me a while, but with her patience and skill I finally “got it”. I can hear her words of wisdom often and they help me more than I can say in handling difficult situations and being at peace with myself."

Peace River Counseling

"Thank you for your guidance and support durring our sessions. I am impressed with your ability to be both supportive and direct. You provided exactly what I needed to help me get to the target of the problem and feel relief quickly. I am relieved to not be stuck in the emotional turmoil, fear and anxiety that overwhelmed me when I first came to see you. I feel much clearer about my path in life, and am getting stronger every day. I am much more at peace with myself and my life. Thank you!"

Peace River Counseling

"Randy helped me through a very dark part of my life after my husband of 21 years "lost his mind" and moved out. I was so busy being angry at him and playing the victim that I couldn't begin the healing process.  Randy was able to politely, but firmly, enlighten me that I needed to be angry with myself for looking in the mirror every morning and saying "it's okay to be treated this way". Now I look in the mirror every morning and know that I am worth being treated special!! Love it! I am a better role model for my daughter who is a soon to be 21 year old young lady who is very near and dear to my heart and impressionable.  She sees a much happier and emotionally healthier mom.  I walked away from my therapy with Randy carrying many life lessons that I will never forget. Thank you!"

Randy helped me through a very dark part of my life after my husband of 21 years "lost his mind" and moved out.  I was so busy being angry at him and playing the victim that I couldn't begin the healing process.  Randy was able to politely, but firmly, enlighten me that I needed to be angry with myself for looking in the mirror every morning and saying "it's okay to be treated this way".  Now I look in the mirror every morning and know that I am worth being treated special!!  Love it!  I am a better role model for my daughter who is a soon to be 21 yr old young lady who is very near and dear to my heart and impressionable.  She sees a much happier and emotionally healthier mom.  I walked away from my therapy with Randy carrying many life lessons that I will never forget.  Thank you!             Sharon